Our vision of a resilient seed system is one where all individuals from all walks of life can access, grow, share, and enjoy the food and seed they need to sustain their well being and livelihoods in ways that restore the ecological health of the planet.

We believe that our programs, which support agro-ecological farmers’ efforts to increase the quality, quantity, and diversity of regionally grown seed, are worthwhile contributions to building a just and equitable food system.

However, our work is also part of a capitalist food system and tied to institutions borne out of the settler colonial state. These systems continue to perpetuate inequities across Indigenous communities and all historically underrepresented, racially oppressed, and marginalized populations. We know that the seed savers and farmers who benefit from our programming are predominantly cis-hetero, white farmers due to the ways in which material resources have been acquired, concentrated, and inequitably distributed for many generations. As a result, our program can exclude seed savers and farm workers - in particular, those from marginalized populations - without access to land or intergenerational wealth, and in doing so, reflect and reinforce colonial processes and systemic oppressions.

SeedChange and our partners are continuously building our collective capacity to better understand how we can act in solidarity with seed savers who are part of marginalized populations and work with partners that are interested in learning about agroecological seed production and work directly with underserved communities.

We invite those who share these visions of equity and ecological well being to participate in our learning experience. Please critique us when you believe we have fallen short of these commitments and work with us if you are finding value in what we do. Together, we hope to move towards truly just and equitable seed systems.