The crop diversity we all benefit from today is a result of the seed stewardship of Indigenous Seedkeepers. Settler colonialism on Turtle Island (North America), and in other parts of the world, has stripped Indigenous nations of their relationship to land, and with it their foodways and their seed teachings. Despite the ongoing violence of the settler colonial state, Indigenous Seedkeepers across Turtle Island, and globally, are working to preserve Indigenous seed varieties and seed stories, restore their traditions, initiate cultural healing, and further affirm Indigenous sovereignty.  

We continue to learn how to work respectfully and collaboratively with Indigenous Seedkeepers through our programs. However, we acknowledge that our programs and the settler farmers and farm organizations we work with, benefit from, and are also complicit in, perpetuating the inequities wrought by settler colonialism. The resources we access and distribute to agroecological farmers are available to us, and our program beneficiaries, because of historic and ongoing theft of Indigenous land. SeedChange is committed to learning how we can challenge this complicity, respect Indigenous seed sovereignty, fulfil the responsibilities we have towards our treaties, and to Indigenous Seedkeepers across Turtle Island and beyond.

Farmers and Seed Savers 

Farmers and seed savers have been saving and developing seed varieties long before the start of The Bauta Initiative, and will continue to do so long after. We thank those who have laid the foundation for the thriving seed movement we see in Canada today, through their passionate saving and sharing of seed. We hope that our work supports yours and enables more individuals to contribute to the seed movement in Canada. Thank you for all that you do.

Funders and Supporters

The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security is possible thanks to the generous support of Mrs. Gretchen Bauta, member of the Weston family and Trustee of The Weston Family Foundation. We thank Mrs. Bauta and The Weston Family Foundation for their vision and commitment, which has led to the establishment and ongoing success of this program. Alongside Mrs. Bauta, we acknowledge her friend and mentor, Sharon Rempel, without whom this program would not exist. Thanks to the visionary leadership of Mrs. Bauta and The Weston Family Foundation, we have been able to cultivate a broad network of funding partners - we are grateful for the support of all of our funding partners who share our vision of building a resilient seed system in Canada.

Finally, we extend our sincere thanks to our partners for your tremendous contributions to the conservation, improvement, and advancement of biodiversity in Canada.


    Anjeanette LeMay Crowtz, Annapolis Seeds, Artful Acre & the South Knowlesville Community Land Trust Community Garden, Ashlea Viola, Barnyard Organics, Bernard & Francine Theriault, Broadfork Farm, Cheverie Farm, Cochrane Family Farm, Dakota Varen, Dalhousie University Agriculture Campus, Dirk Groenenberg, Earth Friendly Farm, Emmerdale Eden Organic Farm, Ferme Agricole Girouard, Ferme Spirale, Fundy Farms, Hallowing Mountain Farm, HeartBeet Organics, Hope Seeds, Janet Wallace, Kathleen Glasgow, Krista Peyton & Eric Antolick, L and R Farms, La Finquita, Mapple Farm, Nadya Bell, Nancy McLean, Nikian Farm, Norma-Jean Worden-Rogers, North River Organics, North Wind Farm, Nourishing Communities, PEI Farm Centre Legacy Farm, PEI Seed Alliance, Pembroke Farm, Perfectly Perennial Herbs & Seeds, Sacred Garden Farm, Sarah Pritchett, Seed to Spoon Farm, Side By Each Farm, Square One Organics, Steadyspade Farm, Suzana Herceg, Tree Phantom Arbour Farm, Twisted Brook Farm, Watershed Farm, Wild Rose Farm, Wysmykal Farm, Yonder Hill Farm.


    4Elements Farm, 4th Sister Farm, ALM Farm, Amara Farm, Ashton Sweetnam, BC Eco Seed Co-op, Brenda Pilon, Cartwheel Farm, Cedar Isle Farm, Central Island Seed Savers Network, College of the Rockies, Comox Valley Growers and Seed Savers, Cowichan Seed Incubator Farm, Crooked Horn Farm, Cropthorne Farm, Farmship Coop, Daniela Basile, David & Andrea Moore, Diggers Farm, Fran Teitge, Fraserland Organics, Full Circle Seeds, Glorious Organics, Green Fire Farm, Growing Opportunities, Heavenly Roots Farm, Hilldown Farm, Hope Organics, Kairos Botanicals, Klippers Organics, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Lazo-Tyee Farm, Linnaea Farm, Local Harvest, Lynne Postnikoff, Maria Hunter, Marion Hargrove, Merville Organics, Michael Silver, Mt. Joan Farm, Patrick Steiner, Planting Seeds Project, Robear Lebaron, Saanich Organics, Salt Spring Island Seedy Saturday, Salt Spring Seeds, Sharing Farm, Square Root Farm, SR Farms, Sunshine Farm, Sweder Berry U-Pick, Sweet Rock Farm, TFS Farm School, Twin Meadows Organic, University of British Columbia (UBC) Farm, University of Fraser Valley, University of Northern British Columbia, Westham Island Herb Farm, West Enderby Farm, Wisbey Vegetables.


    Against the Grain Farms, Aster Lane Edibles, Bass Lake Market Garden, Bear Root Farm, Bearhaven Farm, Beet Box Co-operative, Belanger Organic Farm, Bird and Bee, Black Creek Community Farm, Black River Forest Garden, Canadian Organic Seed Company, Castor River Farm, Cedar Grove Organic Farm, Chick-a-Biddy Acres, Common Ground Farm, Cottage Gardener Heirloom Seed, Creek Shore Farms, Cubit's Organics, Drumlin Farm, Earth to Table Farm, Edible Antiques, Edwin County Farms, Eko Root Farm, Everdale, Farms @ Work, Fertile Ground CSA, Fiddlefoot Farm, Flat Earth Farm, Gaia Organics, Good Golly Gardens, Greta's Organic Gardens, Hawthorn Farm Organic Seeds, Heather Maughan, Highland Gem Farm, Ignatius Jesuit Centre, Ironwood Organics, Jennifer Pittet, Just Food, K2 Milling, Kingston Area Seed System Initiative, Kitchen Table Seedhouse, Kolapore Gardens, Laepple Organic Farm, Lakehead University Agricultural Research Station, Loonsong Gardens, Matchbox Garden and Seed Co., Meeting Place Organic Farm, Mile Hill Farm, Mimosa Research Farm, Orchard Hill Farm, Patchwork Gardens, Pearce Farm, Peterborough Seed Savers Collective, Picnic Creek Produce, ReRoot Farm, Root Cellar Gardens, Roots to Harvest, Saugeen River CSA, Saunders Organics, SeedWorks Plant Breeding Club, Shared Harvest CSA, Sleepy G Farm, Small Spade Gardening, Soiled Reputation, Superior Seed Collective, Swallow Haven Farm, Swarthmore Farm Co-op, The Garden at Pearl Morissette, The New Farm, Three Forks Farm, Urban Harvest, Urban Tomato, Whole Circle Farm.


    A'Bunadh Seeds, Big Oak Farm, Carrots by Cam, Cedar Lane Farm Authentic Foods, Charles Geddes, Colin Wolfe, Craig Boychuk, Crocus Hill Garden, Dick Wellman, Dwayne Smith, Edwin Wieler, Frank & Marge Dyck, Gary Martens, Gordon Steinraths, Grow North Boreal Horticulture Project, Henry Thiessen, Howpark Farms, Jake Drozda, James Munroe, John Zaccharias, Jonah Langelotz, Kate & Doug Storey, Kirk Riste, Kroeker Farms, Lily & Rose Seed Processors, Loiselle Organic Family Farm, MARA, Matthew Wiens, Meghan/Connor Brydon, Monty Sandor, Moose Creek Organic Farm, Mumm's Sprouting Seeds, Oak Valley Vegetables, Paul Gaucher, Peguis Community Garden Project, Poplar Grove Farm, Prairie Heritage Seeds Organics Inc., Rachelle Ternier, Rio Frio Farm, Robert MacGregor, SR Farms, Stewart Wells, Ty and Janice Shelton, University of Manitoba, Upland Organics, Ward Middleton, Westman Agricultural Diversification Organization, Winston Gamache, Woodland Organics.


    Alain Ravenelle, Botaphyte, Charles Bois, Christian Forget, Club de gestion des sols du Témiscouata, Co-op Agrobio du Quebec, Co-op les Potagers Partagés, Équiterre, Ferme Aquilon SNC, Ferme aux pleines saveurs, Ferme Cadet Roussel, Ferme Croque-Saisons, Ferme de la Berceuse, Fermes Longprés, Ferme Samson et fils, Ferme Tourne-Sol, Ferme Val-aux-Vents, Gabriel Beaulieu & Marin Hock, High Road Farm, Incubateur Agro-alimentaire Chaudières-Appalaches, Jardins de la Gaillarde, Jardins Darlington, Jardins de l’Ecoumène, La croisée des cultures, La Ferme des Quatre-Temps, La Ferme Hantée, La Prucheraie, La Récolte de la Rouge, Laboratoire d'agroécologie et le Camp d'entraînement agricole de l'Université Laval, La Société des Plantes, Le Moulin des Cèdres, Le Noyau, Les Jardins de St-Félicien, Les Jardins de Tessa, Les Semences du portage, MAPAQ Saguenay-Lac St Jean, Mario Doré, Pascal Paridaens, Pascal Royer, Santropol Farm, Seeds for Food, Sylvain Côté, Sylvian Raynault, Terre Mille Folia, Terre Promise.